Liquid crystalline structured water, prepared with loving resonance and energy. Everything in the body feels better and heals with water energy.
Harmonisers give greater feeling of energy and happiness, enthusiasm and passion. Filled with a very loving, structured water nutrition, clarity of thought, DNA longevity and stamina are strengthened. Eenergy and happiness are increased.
As pendants Harmonisers build a strong, protective and very nurturing, supportive energy-field giving EMF protection.
Precious metals on top of the copper silver adds to intuition, gold is confident, platinum achieves success, rhodium thinks clearly and ruthenium regenerates DNA. Gold over silver protects from 4G, 5G and WiFi.
The increased sensitivity of children today can be overwhelming. The Child Harmoniser calms this child helping them adjust to their way of feeling things, that is so different. Pendant is 33mm x 23mm, 7g for children, small plants and animals. From age 6 children can continue the benefit with an adult harmoniser. Labels include ADHD, anorexic/bullemic, autistic, bio-polar, deliquent, duyslexic, obsessive, OCD. Children and adults can be anxious, depressed hyper-active, obsessive, self-harming or truants. The larger size is 5 x 3cm, 17g for adults, vehicles and food cupboards.
You always wear a friend when wearing tripe spiral, Releasing us from frustration Triple spiral finds love, acceptance, support and passion. The loving of the water within its copper tubing supports us out of apathy or depression and strengthens our ability to know our own best love and purpose.
Silver for trust in self, Gold for prosperity, Rhodium supporting metnal acuity Ruthenium supporting full expression through our DNA.
A little beauty bringing balance and harmony to everything 3 and Water! Triple Spirals are special to people, water and all trinities in nature and spirituality.
Size is close to 4cm in diameter and 12-13g.
Earth Fire Air and Water
Silver, Gold and Rhodium
When life comes at you from many directions, as it does at many intersections, keep your centre, balance and ability to make your best moves, flowing smoothly st tje right time in in the direction of your choosing, s you chose keep balance and focus in even the most challenging of situations such as in this traffic example.
Keeping Calm, Centred and Focus is up to you!
4 Spirals heal and bring balance releasing earth, water, fire and air energy within you to empower you at home, work and in travelling. Filled with high frequency resonant energy water these strengthen natural bio-energies and protect from EMF, WiFi and other "negatives". Near to 40x54mm and 19g to wear and about 60x84mm and 43g to display in home or office for contentment, energy. Copper supports healthy microbes and kills those of disease, silver has a special affinity for the creative feminine and gold with the caring, masculine. 4 Spiral with old over silver appears best for 4G, 5G, EMF, WiFi and sun protection. My own has been on me 24/7 for 6 years! Orders of Platinum, Rhodium and Ruthenium platings have 3 - 6 month delivery.
Every one is filled with high frequency resonant energy water for maximum health benefit. All can be plated with silver, gold or gold over silver, platinum, rhodium and ruthenium.
EMF Harmonisers add their own natural energy frequencies to all radiation enveloping a blanket of protetion throughout the whole room to protect from ALL radiation coming from devices inside and for all radition sources outside.
All radiaitons are harmonised with no need to be separately attached to every device. This is important because dirty electricity is generated by neighbours, cell towers and satelites beam in from afar, and so many devices in the room, including the visitor's cell=phone and computer are connected to the interent even when powered off without us knowing.
Inside generators include everything plugged into a socket and all electrical devices with batteries: all power adpapters, phones, computers, Laptops, and Tablets, smart metres outside and appliances, fridge, TV, WiFi routers, sound systems, washing machines and microwave ovens.
Separate installations on each device are not needed and protection is provided for radiation from cell towers, staelites and smart meters outside the house.
Sleep soundly, feel more energy and support with household EMF protection. 19 cm wide and 18cm tall based on discoveries of Viktor Schauberger, John Keely and Masaru Emoto creating strong bio-energy fields protecting and healing people, animals and plants that can otherwise be affected by adverse earth, EMF, WiFi, electricity and cosmic energies. Had crafted in golden mean, PHI spiral proportions and filled with proprietary high-frequency water. Silver-plated and gold over silver-plating on the copper or one of each recommended for electro-sensitive people seeking higher and more protected energy levels.
Natural frequencies from all 5 Room Hoarmonisers ride on the frequencies of the devices supporting them to perform their function while providing protection from the unhealthy nature of the emissions.
Pendants above protect people. Phone, Computer and the larger 3 Spiral, 4 Spiral, and Stand-up Spiral Room Harmonisers below re-tune and harmonise signals providing protection for everyone and every plant in a room. The most powerful is the Stand-up Spiral Room Harmoniser.
Protection with a Strong Personal Energy Field
Copper Personal Harmoniser sealed snugly in deep dark blue leather case to wear in pocket and place by phone
Two Copper Personal Harmonisers sealed snugly in deep dark blue leather case to place by or under computer. About: 41mm x 75mm x 4mm with a stick back pad.
Siize: 6cm diameter and 23g to create positive energies in bedroom, clinic, kitchen, living, dining and waiting room.
Wearable personal energy field creating a protective blubble 5m and more in diameter. Providing supportive energy that empowers and heals the wearer each necklace is a fully functional mini healing device, with interchangeable black, brown and white wood torus.Brochure.
Spirit Necklaces with Harmoniser pendants are our most powerful and can be added to Harmonisers by simple rethreading.
Purchase the pendant you want separately
The increase in energy Spirit gives can take some time to adjust to and we'll give all your money back for returns in good order if you decide you want less energy.
Energies of Home Soothe and Relax, G...WiFi, and dirty electricity taken care of !
Copper Base EMF and Energy Room Harmoniser $657
Gold-plated All Frequency Harmoniser $1.146
Silver-plated Soothing Harmoniser $870
Breathe deep focusing on heart for clarity of mind, coherence and full creativity
The Orgone Energy Wand Kit is for your use with your own Orgone Energy Wand NHS 3.0 that may be purchased separately. This kit comes with 64 powerful solutions, powders and crystals that slide inside the Wand. The restorative and healing energies of all your own remedies are also amplified.
Your own crystals, gemstones, herbs, flower essences, minerals and phytonutrient energies may be transferred into any remedy, drink or food, air or water.
The Wand's energy torus radiates both itself and the remedy into the body optimising treatment for best results in resonance with the body's needs.
Full practitioner Kit: $1,697 including a Orgone Energy Wand, GST, free shipping NZ North and South Islands, Manual, 60 minute on-line training and practitioner support with our resident Naturopath.
Purchase is by personal consult Email and Kiwibank payment and deposit to Kiwibank NZ.
Golden PHI Ratio
Affirmation Chakra Glasses
Carafes, Drinking Glasses and 100% Natural Drink Bottles
Zest Energy Plates and Bowls
All with Flower of Life
David Baillie ND, BSc, RBT, RTC
Vortex Energy Consultant - Air, Food and Water
Energy Medicine, Nutrition and Naturopathy
Email: David @ Unity Conscious. org (no spaces)
Phone: 64 (0) 211-22-0910
Harmony Forest, 239 Waitati Valley Rd, RD 2 Waitati NZ 9085
All information on this website is quotation of personal opinion validated by personal experience only of David and the lead Research Team.
Teh Full Potential of Water Will Be Restored