Vortex Water Revitalision with DNA spin to Water



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Vortex Water Revitaliser cup-open to show twin spiral with high yielding crops in background>

Increase the health of your water adding a double DNA spiral* to it inside short lengths of pipe added to shower, sinks and pipelines for your whole building, office, factory, farm and school.

*DNA measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral. 34 and 21 are numbers in the Fibonacci series and their ratio closely approximates PHI found everywhere in nature.

Revitalise yourself and give water back its natural flow structure with this spin.

Clear homeopathic memory of drugs, toxins and medications from water and give yourself a fresh start.

Our post-filter units will also restore water after filtration.

Vortex Water Revitalised Apples bring smiles to taste buds

Water's pin energy is one of the main ways to increase food quality and crop yield. Lower quality water can damage the crops, slow growth, and cause bacterial or fungi growth.

Take water's well-being into your hands by giving your water DNA helical spin as a treatment solution for your home and crops.

Vortex Water Revitaliser for Fruitful Harvest

Vortex water can help your home fruit and vegetable and agricultural yield: 
•   Higher levels of hydration of people, animals and crops
•   Best taste, a smooth, sweet lovely feeling water
•   Restoration of pH balance
•   Balanced crop micronutrients
•   Detoxification of harmful bacteria, contaminants, pollutants, heavy metals and excess minerals
•   Cost-effective! 

Water no longer needs to damage you, your pipes, your home or your crops. Every product gives sprialing movement that energises and restores water

Shower, kitchen tap units in compact loops.

Home, vehicle and production machinery and industry machines last longer without scaling and corrosion.

Cat prefers Living Energy Vortex Water Revitalised water

Copper or stainless-steel; straight or with the natural curves of the river.

Post-filter units curved or straight in sizes to revitalise water deadened by filtration.

All maintenance free offering softer, cleaner, tasty home-spun water.

Living bubbles of energy once water revitalised

FREE Shipping on all Revitalisers to Australia Mainland and Tasmania and New Zealand North, South and Stewart Islands. 60 day Money Back Guaranteed and 10 year Limited Warranty on all items. GST included for NZ only.

Kirlian photograph of water after passing through Vortex Water Revitaliser Kirlian photograph of water after passing through Vortex Water Revitalisers

Kirlian Photos of Energy in Water Before and After passing through Vortex Water Revitaliser

Kirlian photograph of urine before and after Vortex Water Revitaliser illustrating the energy now present in the body

Kirlian Photos of urine before and after Vortex Water Revitaliser illustrating the Energy Now in the Body

Vortex Water Revitaliser showing double helical DNA spirals that Spin Water into two streams Improving Energy, Vitality

All prices include international shipping

Revitalised water feels good. It won't slosh in your stomach! Water and nutrients are absorbed better. The body hydrates much more and eliminates toxins and waste products from the cells. Minerals become more available, protein shape becomes more absorbable, DNA reproduces itself more accurately - It Heals!

Test show there can be up to 25% more oxygen dissolved in the revitalised water eliminating slime moulds and algae and reducing those harmful bacteria that grow in the body.

Vortex Water Revitaliser spin softens the water, eliminating or minimising high mineral levels and rust deposit build up in coffee makers, dishwashers, cookware and plumbing. Cleaning out existing mineral deposits caused by hard water in your pipes.

The Vortex Water Revitalisers improve the taste and smell of your tap water.Chlorine instantly evaporates out of water. Water keeps fresh for many months, good if you are sailing or on holiday in your mobile home.Stays fresh, clear and tastes great.    

Kitchen Tap and Shower Vortex Water Revitalisers

Kitchen Vortex Water Revitaliser installed on sink tap
Kitchen Vortex Water Revitaliser

Shower of Life Vortex Water Revitaliser

Shower of Life Vortex Water Revitaliser

Perfect for people living in apartments or rented homes because of their small design and simple installation, the Kitchen Vortex Water Revitaliser is also great for traveling! Installs directly to your kitchen tap and is non-permanent, leaving no marks or damage to fixtures. If you have a pullout kitchen faucet yhe Kitchen Vortex Water Revitaliser can be installed on a pullout kitchen faucet with the Pullout Faucet Adapter.

The Shower Vortex Revitaliser is also compact and can thread on with no damage to existing plumbing. Great for renters who cannot access or treat all household water. Installation Instructions.

For specifications click here

"Soon as you fill a glass with water you notice a very strong chlorine smell coming off. That's because the frequency of the water is so high that it renders any pathogen inert. So this is the most important thing that everyone should have on their taps"

Kitchen and Shower prices include free international shipping and include GST for New Zealanders only.

Kitchen Tap and Shower Vortex Water Revitalisers

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For size details of all revitalisers click here


Portable Copper Vortex Water Revitalisation

Copper makes the best Water

Portable Vortex Water Revitaliser with standard option straight tube below funnel View into top of portable copper Vortex Water Revitaliser, with additional curves like a river below the funnel Portable copper Vortex Water Revitaliser with curves like a river below the funnel

Tradition in New Zealand said all affects of a dead sheep upstream were gone by time water passed over its rocks and through its curves 50m downstream. The spin effect of water is such in purification and now we have the back-pack version for our Australasian tramper friends and those getting to cross the ditch" (as we call the Tasman) t explore each other's countries. Of course the inventor, rightly says its great to take to restaurants and other places to enjoy the greater taste feel safe (though how you do that fully is up to you). We also say add our "Spring Water" crystal mix to the funnel and pour that through too! "Spring Water" crystal mix is available with many more water vortex enhancing products from our sister sites NaturesDesign Australia and NaturesDesign New Zealand

The water swirls and the effect of the double helical DNA spiral the water is entering is stupendous.

Each Portable Vortex Water Funnel has the 15mm 1/2" diameter copper Vortex Water Revitaliser built into it below the it's geometrically attuned funnel that is about 76mm (3") wide. The straight one is about 18cm long, 218g. Our curved River of Life model is about 38cm long, 357g.

Portable prices include free international shipping and include GST for New Zealanders only.

Portable copper Vortex Water Revitaliser with curves like a river below the funnel shown against a nature background

Portable Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers

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Vortex Water Revitalisation after Filtration

All in Stainless Steel with Pop in and Out Quick Release Adapters

Post Filter Unit Stainless Steel with 3/8 inch Fitting to Filter

Post Filter Unit Stainless Steel with 3/8 inch Fitting to Filter

Water filters, excellent for removing sediment and dissolved solids, force water through processes that remove its natural, healthy properties. Moving water through a vortex spiral form, after filters, restores structure that reverse osmosis using extremely small pores, distillation using heat and chemical binders damage and remove. Revitalised water is softer, easily absorbed, hydrates effectively, and has a energy you can feel.

Connected downstream to an under or over the counter filter, reverse osmosis system, distiller or many of the water treatment systems other than ours, River of Life Vortex Water Revitalisers for Filters dramatically improve the taste, feel, quality and health of treated water. Installation should always be done after the filter, so that the vortex water structure put back in is not removed again before drinking. Standard Filter Vortex Water Revitalisers are very compact looping back on themselves and River of Life models extend out on themselves with their curves. Each end has Snap-on Fitting for installation for either 1/4" or 3/8" lines or outlets.

This video shows how the Vortex Water Revitaliser for filters work way beyond what standard filters can accomplish.

The result is excellent and your water is pleasant to drink and will NOT sit in your stomach; but rather be instantly absorbed by your body for perfect hydration.

See and hear how Ursula first drinks her filtered water with difficulty and the water sits in her stomach without being absorbed. After installation of the River of Life model for filters, the Vortex Water Revitaliser is making it both pleasant to drink the water as well as making all four glasses she had instantly absorbed by her body. (youtu.be/8uzJQ0M-IjU)

Installation can be done in one of two ways:
1) Cut the tube that leads out of your existing water treatment system to the spout (which delivers your treated water), then install the Vortex Water Revitaliser in between the pieces of tube using the Snap-On Fittings provided and available as Water Filter Snap-on Fittings in both 1/4" and 3/8" from Mitre 10. All are 316 stainless steel.
2) Attach the Vortex Water Revitaliser directly to the spout that delivers your treated drinking water, using the Snap-On Fittings provided.

The above video (youtube.com/embed/8uzJQ0M-IjU)shows how the wavy River of Life looks once installed and talks of how much easier revitalised water sits in the stomach.

We have wave shapes and loop to fit your space:
    * 1/4" River of Life with curved wave shape 150mm(6") long. 1/4"(6mm) diameter. Weight: 38g. SS316 Stainless Steel.
    * 3/8" that loops back on itself. 85mm(3.5") long. (78mm(3.2“) wide. diameter 3/8“(9mm). Weight: 88g
    * 3/8" River of Life with curved wave shape. 25cm(10" long, 3/8"(9mm) diameter. Weight: 99g.

River of Life and Loop shape  Vortex Water Revitalisers to place in line after water filters.

>Choose the size you need your snap-on fittings to have at each end. The 1/4" diameter model is best inserted into 1/4" filter line with 1/4"-1/4" Snap-on Fittings.1/4" is close to 6mm, 3/8" 9mm, 1/2" 12mm, 3/4" 18mm, 1" 25mm, 1 & 1/2" 37mm and 2" 50mm. Check with your plumber and us for equivalents in your country. For brochure click Here.

Filter Unit prices include free international shipping and include GST for New Zealanders only.

Vortex Water Revitalisers for Filters
Select Snap-On End sizes

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Vortex Water Revitalisers for Whole Buildings

All Your Water - Shower, Sink and Drink

River of Life and Standard Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers

Straight standard and Curving Rivers Of Life models all have the same internal DNA helix that spins water into pHI spirals creating the vortex that rejuvenates giving new life to you and water. Copper and stainless steel are available.

All have the same beautiful principles of vortex induced implosion in the golden ratio proportions of DNA making water very easily used and healing to the body. Contact us at foot of this page for commercial and industrial diameters larger than 1 inch (25mm) and up to 100mm (4 inches)!

All stainless steel revitalisers have threaded ends. Copper revitalisers for all countries can be supplied with open endings as pictured above for plumbers to fit your countries adapters to, such as the Philmac option outlined at the foot of this page where you find our contact details to explore this with any of your questions being most welcome. GST is not added by us, but maybe by your custom's on receipt into countries other than NZ. You will enjoy the security of our full 60 day, 10 day and lifetime warranties enjoying the purchase security of Paypal and major credit cards.

New Zealand threads on copper units are sold separately with NZ sized threaded ends brazed on by our unique in-house process, ready for immediate connection by you or your plumber fort any pressure up to a high 1200 kpa, which is as much as any city typically has. Our proprietary brazing process heats and discolours your unit and there is no way to avoid this. Life-time warranty refund of full purchase price for all returns of these adapted units in working order. Purchases of models for whole buildings for NZers are by banking to Kiwibank and by credit-debit card with PayPal for other countries.

Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers

Copper may be preferred for the electrical and magnetic properties it gives water. Extremely little copper gets into water and the spin on it appears to stop it being absorbed if the body has no need for it.

All International Use copper Revitalisers, both straight and River of Life, are provided to all countries with open ends requiring those in each country to acquire their own compression ends such as Philmac Universal Adapters (not included in price) Philmacs are also safe for pressures up to 1200 kpa. In copper Australian sizes without threads and NZ size with threads are available. In stainless steel all ends are threaded suitable for international use. You will enjoy the security of our 60 day right of return on these, for full refund in working order, excluding shipping.

Crops and Gardens

Our garden fruits and vegetables also love energy, taste sweeter and need less water with our Vortex Water Revitaliser screwed on as supplied. 20mm is sufficient for a whole house and you might find a 15mm 1/2" or Portable funnel enough. For us larger means more energy and less watering for the garden. Gardens, plants, animals and people however love all the energy they can get. No energy ever goes to waste and increased health results in larger and better yields the better and better, the more structured the water gets.

Here is our 20mm Revitaliser on our Watering Can!

Watering can fitted with standard Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers fitted for NZ plumbing

NZ Adapted

Standard Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers with adapted threaded ends for NZ plumbing

Threaded ends on these units for NZers only make it easy for plumber to fit into main household pipe with instructions provided. Domestic NZ shipping (from Dunedin) and GST included. Phone 0211 22 0910 or email. Payment is by banking to Kiwibank. Contact details at foot of page.

Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers NZ Adapted
Copper Single Person 15mm 206g. One available for immediate delivery $1,186.00 NZD
Copper Household 20mm 450.g One available for immediate delivery $1,428.00 NZD
Copper Home & Farm 25mm 740g (Special Order 21 day delivery) 81,844.00 NZD

River of Life Copper Single Person 15mm 209g (Special Order approx 21 day delivery) $1,926.00 NZD
River of Life Copper Household 20mm 796g (Special Order approx 21 day delivery) $2,283.00 NZD
River of Life Copper House Farm 25mm 900g (Special Order approx 21 day delivery) $3,327.00 NZD
River of Life shape adds to vortex water structure and revitalisation.

Australian Adapted

Copper Vortex Revitaliser showing Australian sized ends permanently brazed on ready for Australian plumbing
Enlarged view of Copper Vortex Revitaliser Australian sized end permanently brazed on ready for Australian plumbing

Copper Vortex Revitalisers with unthreaded Australian sized ends permanently brazed on are supplied to Australia for Australian plumbing.

Prices include free domestic shipping within Tasmania and Australia mainland. All prices exclude all GST. One of each available for immediate shipment from NZ. 7 - 14 days delivery.

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Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers with Australian Plumbing Ends

International Copper Unthreaded

New Zealand Purchase GST Inclusive

Domestic NZ shipping from Dunedin and GST included. Phone 0211 22 0910 or email to order. Payment is by banking to Kiwibank. Contact details at foot of page.

Standard Tiny Home 1/2 inch 105g $918.00 NZD
Standard Whole House 3/4 inch 308g (One available immediate shipment) $1,176.00 NZD
Standard Home or Farm 1 inch 742g (One available immediate shipment) $1,593.00 NZD
River of Life Tiny Home 1/2" 108g $1,758.00 NZD
River of Life Copper Whole House 3/4 inch 654g $2,157.00 NZD
River of Life Copper Home or Farm 1 inch 860g $3,258.00 NZD

International Purchase GST Exclusive

All by special order with delivery included internationally from NZ; usually within 28 days.

3/4" (20mm) and 1" (25mm) straight standard models available for immediate shipment from Dunedin, NZ. Prices include free international shipping and include GST for New Zealanders only. 1/2" (15mm) for tiny homes and single persons, curved River of Life models and all diameters greater than 1" (25mm) by special order with delivery to most countries in 7 to 28 days.

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Curved River of Life  Copper Vortex Water Revitaliser with open unhtreaded end gioving vortex structure to water for use oin all countries
Standard straight Copper Vortex Water Revitaliser with open unhtreaded end sturcturing water for international use

Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers Open Ended International Adapt

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Imperial Installation Instructions for USA, Liberia and Myanmar. For specifications click here

Revitaliser Brochure

Portable Copper Energiser Option to put beside pipes and water with no installation needed

Our Vortex Water Energisers structure water tied to the outside of the pipe and are easily untied if you move to another home. With their own very highly structured water inside 3 spiralling copper tubes they structure water just as effectively through magnetic induction resonance without needing the water to pass through them physically. Toxins, minerals and metals are given natural vortex spin by our all our products. Kinesiological testing indicates toxins are then not absorbed and are promptly excreted by a well nourished body.

International Stainless Steel Revitalisers

All Stainless Steel Revitalisers have threaded ends for international use.

River of Life Curved Stainless Steel Vortex Water Revitaliser with imperial threaded ends foruse in all countries

Standard Vortex Water Revitaliser 1 inch Stainless Steel

For specifications click here

New Zealand Purchase GST Inclusive

Domestic NZ shipping from Dunedinm, NZ and GST included. All by special order with delivery within 28 days. . Phone 0211 22 0910 or email to order. Payment is by banking to Kiwibank. Contact details at foot of page.

Stainless Steel Vortex Water Revitalisers
Standard Stainless Steel Shops and Bakeries 3/4 inch 776g $2,400.00 NZD
Standard Stainless Steel Dairy Farms 1 inch 1.1 kg $2,670.00 NZD
Standard Stainless Steel Factory 1 & 1/2 inch 3.8kg $5,274.00 NZD
Standard Stainless Steel Factory 2 inch 9.5kg $13,170.00 NZD
River of Life Stainless Steel Shop, Dairy, Farm 1 inch 1.5 kg $5,178.00 NZD
River of Life shape adds to vortex water structure and revitalisation.
1" "(25mm) is the only River of Life in stainless steel.Smaller and larger sizes are available it in copper.

International Purchase GST Exclusive

All by spacial order with delivery included internationally from NZ; usually within 28 days.

PayPal accepts Mastercard, ViSA, Discover, AmEX

Stainless Steel Vortex Water Revitalisers

PayPal accepts Mastercard, ViSA, Discover, AmEX

Considerations for Vortex Water Revitalisers

All are made to Imperial measurements. Imperial to Metric adapters are needed for all countries other than USA, Liberia and Myanmar, with 15mm, 20mm and 25mm generally used in place of 1/2", 3/4" and 1".

Pipe sizes are not to be confused with thread sizes. In plumbing in New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa and Britain (and other countries) the thread standard mostly used as far as we currently know is BSP or British Standard Pipe. In the USA however, NPT (National Pipe Thread) is the standard. BSP thread size nominal names were originally based on the inner diameter (measured in inches and in some countries, converted to nearest mm) of the tube for which the thread was intended. Today many pipes and tubes have thinner walls to save cost, so the inner diameter is often bigger than the former nominal size. Be wary. Different pipe materials vary in thickness.

Units accept and work with pressures from 45 - 100 psi. Philmacs may leak around 80 psi.

Plumberless Metric Installation Option for Copper Vortex Water Revitalisers

Philmac UTC (Universal Transition Couplings) are a unique range of mechanical compression fittings that provides the ultimate in pipe connection flexibility. Without modification the same fitting connects to a variety of materials including PVC, copper, galvanised iron, ABS, lead, stainless steel and polyethylene. Each size fitting covers a range of pipe diameters up to 2" providing a "Universal" solution. The Philmacs are black in the following installation images.

For specifications click here In NZ see Marley.

Vortex Water Revitaliser 3/4 inch copper with Philmac adapter fittings
Vortex Water Revitaliser 3/4 inch copper with fitted to mains pipe with Philmac adapter
Vortex Water Revitaliser 3/4 inch copper

  1. If your water pressure is the usual 45 - 50 psi a copper Vortex Water Revitaliser can be fitted by cutting out a section of your household mains pipe and tightening a Philmac adapter (the black ones in images above) on to each end. The Philmac's vice-grip onto each end of the Vortex Water Revitaliser and have threads on their external ends to accept adapters that mate with the crux nuts (below right) your plumber fits to each of the two cut ends the mains pipe has once the length has been removed that accommodate the Vortex Water Revitaliser with its two Philmacs in place. Your plumber will ream the two ends of the mains pipe to create a rim holding a suitable adapter crux nut that screws into each Philmac. To later remove the Vortex Water Revitaliser the crux nuts on each end of the mains pipe can be tightened onto a threaded length of pipe that replaces the Vortex Water Revitaliser. Check what your water pressures are with your local council as they could be a more than 80 - 90 psi at which pressure you Philmacs could leak and you would do the following:

    3/4 inch standard Vortex Water Revitaliser standard copper Crux nut for fitting Vortex Water Revitaliser 3/4 inch copper to mains pipe

    Use two copper imperial to metric adapters (image above left), to solder onto each end of copper Vortex Water Revitaliser once appropriate crux adapter nuts (image above right) have been put on the Revitaliser, with threads facing outermost. Your plumber will ream the two ends of the mains pipe created by removing a section of your mains pipe. This creates rims to hold another two crux adapter nuts that screw into the ones in place on the Vortex Water Revitaliser. Male and female type ends as needed. This option will safely handle pressures up to at least 150 psi.

    Stainless steel Vortex Water Revitalisers are also available, straight and curved as in the "River of Life", with imperial size threaded ends. Shower, sink and post-filter Vortex Water Revitalisers are also all pre-built with imperial threaded ends. Imperial to Metric adapters to the size of pipe you have are readily available from plumbing stores.

    More Help?

    Visit our Harmonise tab for Vortex Water Energisers equally effective tied to the outside of the pipe with no plumber needed.

    David Baillie ND, BSc, RBT, RTC
    Vortex Energy Consultant - Air, Food and Water
    Energy Medicine, Nutrition and Naturopathy
    Email: David @ Unity  Conscious. org (no spaces)
    Telegram: t.me/David_Baillie
    Telegram: t.me/HarmonyEnergy    t.me/NaturesDesign
    Phone: 64 (0) 211-22-0910
    Harmony Forest, 239 Waitati Valley Rd, RD 2 Waitati NZ 9085

    5G WiFi EMF Shungite Protection
    Gemstone Health, Wellbeing, Longevity
    Golden Ratio, PHI Vortexing Food and Water
    NaturesDesign Australia
    NaturesDesign New Zealand
    Vortex Water New Zealand

    All information on this website is personal opinion validated by experience of the authors


    Email David Baillie picture